UX Research Case Study


A meditation app redesign that emphasizes wellness on your own terms

Developing new features for Calm, a meditation and wellness app, based on user research. And redesigning its UI for a more soothing and atmospheric experience.

Awards & Recognition

Communication Arts 2024 Interactive Annual Competition, Shortlist

My Role
UX Research
Rachel Quan
Natalie Leriche
Malak Morsi
Ava Ligouri
4 months
Impersonal Content

The content of Calm is isolating since all the content is pre-recorded, especially in a world where mental health is not often prioritized.

Recognize All Wellness Journeys

Make meditation more personal and inviting by appreciating the individuality of each users's wellness journeys.

Design & Development
01. Discover
200–500 Million
people meditate worldwide
2 out of 5
Americans rated their mental health as only fair or poor
14.5% of adults
had trouble falling asleep most days in 2020
Competitive Analysis

We researched alternative apps in the same field of wellness. Compared to the findings, Calm lacked group settings and customizable experiences, which then became our solution goal.

Group meditation sessions.
“Therapy on the go” with automated text thread.
Interactive sensory graphics.
Empathy Interview
What are People's Relationship with Wellness?

We conducted interviews with a wide range of people, from college students to single mothers; free spirits to office workers.

Affinity Map

Based on interviewee answers about their struggles and goals, we found repeating themes among this diverse range of people and organized them with an affinity map.

Aggregated Personas
Kimberly Jones, 21
Busy Bee
“When life gets hectic self-care is the first to go, but it's what we need the most.”
  • Overcome imposter syndrome and develop greater confidence in her abilities.
  • Build stronger relationships with friends and family despite her busy schedule.
Vincent Chen, 32
Positivity Seeker
“Everything happens for a reason.”
  • Learn how to be up front about how he feels.
  • Keep track of his spiritual encounters, especially to feel reassured and motivated.
  • Find and create a spiritual community.
Grace Jane, 44
Working Mom
“A healthy mind is needed for a healthy soul & body.”
  • Taking breaks and getting better rest.
  • Prioritize her wellbeing instead of neglecting it when helping others.
  • Set healthy boundaries between her work and family.
Journey Map

We created journey maps to live in the users’ shoes and gain insight on what problems they may face in their daily lives, and find opportunities for solutions.

Click through the tabs for more journey maps:
Click through the tabs for more journey maps:
Click through the tabs for more journey maps:
02. Define
Problem Statement (POV)
Defining Core Problems

To focus our aim, we created problem statements for each user to create a clear problem for us to solve.

Kimberly Jones
Kimberly Jones is a senior in college who needs to effectively manage her workload and set clear boundaries to avoid burnout because prioritizing her well-being is crucial for her overall success and productivity at work and in school.
Vincent Chen
Vincent Chen, who is often insecure, wants to confide in his friends or a community of people with similar struggles, but he is afraid they will find him annoying.
Grace Jane
Grace Jane who often has racing thoughts, needs to find a way to easily fall asleep and fight her insomnia because she feels stressed when she can't fall asleep.
03. Ideate
How Might We
How Do We Personalize Wellness While Bringing People Together?
How might we prevent burnout from taking on a heavy workload?
How might we create a trustful community that people are willing to share their thoughts in?
How might we treat insomnia naturally instead of medically?
Minimum Viable Product
Kimberly Jones
Preventing burn out from heavy workload.
Table Stakes
Vincent Chen
Feeling comfortable to share his insecurities.
Table Stakes
Grace Jane
Better, restful sleep.
Table Stakes

We refined our ideas and proposed four new features based on our users' needs.

Live Meditations
User Needs
Find the time to incorporate self-care into her busy routine.
Our Solution
Live meditation sessions with instructors in real-time, with a set schedule of sessions to choose from. Allowing users to join on their own time. Reminders and recommendations if you miss it.
Positive Affirmation
User Needs
Feeling comfortable to share his insecurities.
Our Solution
Live meditation sessions with instructors in real-time, with a set schedule of sessions to choose from. Allowing users to join on their own time. Reminders and recommendations if you miss it.
Customizable Soundscapes
User Needs
Suffering from insomnia and not getting restful sleep.
Our Solution
Offering customizable soundscapes where users can create their own calming ambient sounds to tune out distracting noises and thoughts, which personalizes their sleep experience.
User Testing

We observed users complete our developed taskflows to test whether they can navigate through the app easily without any guidance.

Live Meditations
Adding Confirmation

Users were confused about how to add a live session to their schedule. When they did, there was no confirmation that alerted them they added a live session so they felt unsure if the action worked or not.

Positive Affirmation
Clearer Wording

There was confusion on where to create a new affirmation. Users often pressed Beginner’s Guide. The term “Library” did not sound like the place to create a new recording.

Customizable Soundscapes
Increase Usability

Users wanted an easily accessible button to view the library that has all their created soundscapes. They also felt the amount of sounds were limited.

Community & Personalization

Fostering a sense of togetherness with an open community to fall back to, whereas beforehand Calm felt detached. Wellness is now more personalized, able to adjust to the user's specific wants and preferences.

Next Steps
Making Friends

Add a featured “Happening Now” section for live meditation sessions active at the very moment. Expand on the community aspect of sharing positive affirmations. How does one find and make friends in the app?

UI Design

Based on our group's extensive UX research, we designed how our features would look to the user. We created design principles and constructed a brand new design system.


We added the sense of togetherness in an app that beforehand, felt very detached and isolating. Users have an open and approachable community to fall back to. Wellness is now more personalized, adjusted to the user's specific wants and preferences.

Next Steps

Add a featured “Happening Now” section for live meditation sessions active at the very moment. Expand on the community aspect of sharing positive affirmations. How does one find and make friends in the app?

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